Perugia: carabinieri make arrests for murder of officers

Roma – An arrest warrant was served on the authors of the murder of the Carabinieri officers Fezzuoglio and Enrico Monti. The two had intervened to stop a robbery at a branch office of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank in the town of Umbertide (Perugia) on the 30th of January 2006.

Among the people charged with robbery and murder by the Investigating Magistrate of Perugia and arrested by the Carabinieri, there is also Raffaele Arzu, who was already listed as one of the 30 most wanted national offenders and arrested by the Carabinieri on the 8th of December 2009 in Talana (Nuoro).

Between 2004 and 2006, the group had perpetrated a number of robberies of banks and armored vans, systematically using weapons and explosives.

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