Banksy critica gestione profughi Calais: censurato VIDEO

di Lorenzo Briotti |26 Gennaio 2016 13:00

Banksy critica gestione profughi Calais e a Londra viene censurato (foto Ansa)

LONDRA – Banksy critica gestione campo profughi di Calais e viene censurato. Il noto disegnatore ha colpito questa volta a Londra, dove è stato subito censurato per aver disegnato davanti all’ambasciata d’Oltralpe un’opera che critica la gestione del campo profughi di Calais.

L’ultima opera di street art di bansky è stata infatti già ‘oscurata’ con un pannello. Il tema è il musical tratto dal capolavoro di Victor Hugo ‘Les Misérables’: una giovane donna, ispirata al celebre romanzo, con le lacrime agli occhi a causa dei gas lacrimogeni. Alle sue spalle una bandiera francese e a terra una bomboletta. Sulla sinistra, in basso, c’è un codice QR che rimanda a un video dell’operazione di sgombero del 5 gennaio scorso al campo profughi di Calais, dove erano stati impiegati lacrimogeni e proiettili di gomma.

Una tematica non nuova a Bansky, che alcuni mesi fa aveva realizzato quattro graffiti proprio a Calais, uno dei quali raffigurava Steve Jobs con un vecchio computer Apple in mano e una sacca in spalla. Un modo per ricordare che Steve Jobs era nato da un padre di origine siriana prima di essere adottato. “Apple – aveva dichiarato Bansky – paga più di 7 miliardi di tasse all’anno ed esiste soltanto perché venne accolto un giovane arrivato da Homs”.

A new artwork by British artist Banksy opposite the French Embassy, in London, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016. The artwork depicts the young girl from the musical Les Miserables with tears streaming from her eyes as a can of CS gas lies beneath her. The work is criticising the use of teargas in the refugee camp in Calais. (ANSA/AP Photo/Alastair Grant)more
A man takes a photo of a new artwork by British artist Banksy opposite the French Embassy, in London, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016. The artwork depicts the young girl from the musical Les Miserables with tears streaming from her eyes as a can of CS gas lies beneath her. The work is criticising the use of teargas in the refugee camp in Calais. (ANSA/AP Photo/Alastair Grant)more
People take photos on their phones of a new artwork by British artist Banksy opposite the French Embassy, in London, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016. The artwork depicts the young girl from the musical Les Miserables with tears streaming from her eyes as a can of CS gas lies beneath her. The work is criticising the use of teargas in the refugee camp in Calais. (ANSA/AP Photo/Alastair Grant)more
Commuters take photos on their phones of a new artwork by British artist Banksy opposite the French Embassy, in London, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016. The artwork depicts the young girl from the musical Les Miserables with tears streaming from her eyes as a can of CS gas lies beneath her. The work is criticising the use of teargas in the refugee camp in Calais. (ANSA/AP Photo/Alastair Grant)more
A jogger stops to take photos on his phone of a new artwork by British artist Banksy opposite the French Embassy, in London, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016. The artwork depicts the young girl from the musical Les Miserables with tears streaming from her eyes as a can of CS gas lies beneath her. The work is criticising the use of teargas in the refugee camp in Calais. (ANSA/AP Photo/Alastair Grant)more
Commuters take photos on their phones of a new artwork by British artist Banksy opposite the French Embassy, in London, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016. The artwork depicts the young girl from the musical Les Miserables with tears streaming from her eyes as a can of CS gas lies beneath her. The work is criticising the use of teargas in the refugee camp in Calais. (ANSA/AP Photo/Alastair Grant)more
A new artwork by British artist Banksy is covered opposite the French Embassy, in London, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016 . The artwork depicts the young girl from the musical Les Miserables with tears streaming from her eyes as a can of CS gas lies beneath her. The work is criticising the use of teargas in the refugee camp in Calais. (ANSA/AP Photo/Alastair Grant) more
Workmen watch the media photograph a new artwork by British artist Banksy opposite the French Embassy, in London, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016. The artwork depicts the young girl from the musical Les Miserables with tears streaming from her eyes as a can of CS gas lies beneath her. The work is criticising the use of teargas in the refugee camp in Calais. (ANSA/AP Photo/Alastair Grant)more
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