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California requires  Solar Power for New Homes

California. State law requires at least 50 percent of California’s electricity to come from noncarbon-producing sources by 2030. The new requirement, to take effect in two years, brings solar power into the mainstream in a way it has never been until now. It will add thousands of dollars to the cost of home when a shortage of affordable housing is one of California’s most pressing issues.

New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman  accused of physical violence

Two women had spoken to the New Yorker on the record, saying Schneiderman repeatedly hit them during the course of their relationships with him in recent years, and never with their consent. Neither woman filed police complaints, but both said they sought out medical attention and confided in people close to them about the abuse. A third woman who also was involved with him told her story to the other two women, but said she was too frightened to come forward. A fourth woman said Schneiderman slapped her when she rebuffed him, but also asked to remain unidentified.

France: Trump accused of showing “shameful” disrespect for the victims of a 2015 series of terrorist attacks

President Trump was accused of showing “shameful” disrespect for the victims of a 2015 series of terrorist attacks by suggesting the bloodshed, which left more than 130 dead, might have been prevented if the French carried guns. Trump’s comments came just a week after French President Emmanuel Macron visited Washington, where the two leaders seemed spirited and hailed a new “special relationship.” Though Macron and the Elysee Palace refused to comment directly on Trump’s speech, former French President Francois Hollande and former Prime Minister Manuel Valls — in office at the time of the attacks — expressed outrage.

The House of Lords urged a Norway-style 

The House of Lords urged a Norway-style deal that would keep our borders open and mean still paying money into Brussels coffers. Peers vote to scrap the official Brexit date from the Withdrawal Bill in defiance of Government policy in the twelfth defeat for Theresa May. Peers were warned that a vote in favour of continued membership of the European Economic Area (EEA) would ‘fly in the face of the biggest democratic vote in our history’ and cause untold damage to the reputation to the Lords.

Don’t outlive your savings

You recognize that in retirement there will be a balancing act between spending on current needs while also preserving enough for your later years. all-too-often, retirees use simplified rules of thumb to determine how much to take out each year. The result is their assets continue to increase in retirement, and this increased wealth is passed along to beneficiaries. There’s nothing wrong with passing along more, of course. The popularized “4% rule”, as an example, it’s a rule of thumb that says you can withdraw 4% of your portfolio value each year in retirement without incurring a substantial risk of running out of money. Using this rule, for every $100,000 you have, you’d withdraw $4,000 a year. This rule is based on solid academic research. But the research used a “set it and forget it” approach — it did not account for the ability to adjust behavior along the way. In other words, basing your retirement withdrawals on such a rule is like planning your finances based on your situation at age 25, and then never again adjusting the plan.

Gina Haspel “will not restart” the CIA’s harsh interrogations

President Trump’s nominee to head the CIA, Gina Haspel, promised lawmakers on May 9 that she would never resume a program of harsh interrogations. A lengthy report by the Senate Intelligence Committee, released publicly in 2014, concluded that the CIA’s interrogation techniques were not a viable means of gaining intelligence and that the agency’s justification for using them “rested on inaccurate claims of their effectiveness.”

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