Rassegna Stampa. Festival di Cannes: 82 donne chiedono uguaglianza salariale

Rassegna Stampa. Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo

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Festival di Cannes: 82 femmes appellent à la parité et à l’égalité salariale

Quatre-vingt-deux femmes ont lancé, samedi 12 mai, un appel à « l’égalité salariale » dans le cinéma, lors d’une montée des marches inédite et 100 % féminine au Festival de Cannes. Parmi elles, les membres féminins du jury, dont sa présidente Cate Blanchett, des réalisatrices, des actrices, mais aussi des monteuses, des productrices et des décoratrices, toutes femmes du 7e art.

Trump, legal walls around the U.S. immigration system

In the past six months, the Trump administration has moved to expel 300,000 Central Americans and Haitians living and working legally in the United States, disregarding senior U.S. diplomats who warned that mass deportations could destabilize the region and trigger a new surge of illegal immigration. The phased expulsions are a central part of the Trump administration’s effort to raise physical and legal walls around the U.S. immigration system. Together with President Trump’s move to end protections for 690,000 “dreamers” brought to the United States illegally as children, his administration has stamped an expiration date on the residency of 1 million immigrants.

USA, businesses executives: their top worry is that they can’t find enough workers

Many businesses executives say their top worry is that they can’t find enough workers. Unemployment  is at the lowest level in nearly two decades, and the jobless rate for African Americans and Hispanic Americans is at an all-time low. The United States now has a job opening for every unemployed person in the country, a sign of just how far the nation has turned around from the recession that cost so many Americans their jobs nearly a decade ago. Companies are revising their hiring practices to ensure that they do not rule out any potential good workers, especially those who might not have a college degree or people who have criminal histories and have served time in jail.

USA. Nordstrom Rack in Brentwood: “We don’t tolerate discrimination of any kind”

Nordstrom released a statement after three young black men faced a police visit at their store, saying, “We want all customers to feel welcome when they shop with us, and we don’t tolerate discrimination of any kind.”

Avions: les traînées blanches des condensation contribuent au réchauffement climatique

Les traînées de condensation qui s’étirent derrière les avions à réaction accentuent le réchauffement climatique de façon importante – probablement davantage que le carburant brûlé pour faire voler les appareils. Un détournement du trafic aérien pourrait réduire la formation de nuages produits par l’aviation. « Voler plus haut, où l’air est froid et sec, pourrait réduire la formation de traînées », précise Bernd Kärcher. Toutefois, les trajets actuellement empruntés minimisent les temps de vol et les coûts, et les compagnies aériennes seront réticentes à les modifier, estime le scientifique.

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