Rassegna Stampa. EU summit, i giornalisti dovranno pagare per l’accredito. In Germania…

Pubblicato il 3 Agosto 2018 - 09:23 OLTRE 6 MESI FA

Rassegna Stampa. Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo

Journalists will need to pay €50 every six months to gain accreditation to EU summits

A Belgian decision to charge journalists €100 per year to attend summits of EU leaders was criticized by unions and the European Commission. Journalists were informed this week by the European Council that they will need to pay €50 every six months to gain accreditation to EU summits. The decision came into force through a Belgian Royal Decree on May 8. Journalists were not consulted by the Belgian government on the fees.

Germany. Youth leader says the army officer who tried to assassinate Hitler was a ‘traitor’

A German far-right youth leader has come underfire for saying the man tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler was a ‘traitor’. Lars Steinke, regional head of Alternative for Germany’s youth wing in the country’s Lower Saxony state, posted the comment on his private Facebook page.

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France. Harcèlement sexuel en pleine rue à Paris

Une jeune femme de 22 ans avait posté sur Facebook la vidéo d’un homme la frappant au visage après l’avoir insultée. Le parquet de Paris a annoncé, lundi 30 juillet, avoir ouvert une enquête après la plainte d’une jeune femme ayant dénoncé, vidéo à l’appui, son agression par un homme qui l’a frappée au visage, en pleine rue à Paris, alors qu’elle lui avait répondu après des remarques obscènes.

Marie Laguerre, étudiante en architecture de 22 ans, est importunée dans la rue par un homme qu’elle croise en marchant et qui lui adresse des réflexions salaces et des grognements lubriques. Elle lui lance un « Ta gueule ! » tout en poursuivant son chemin. L’homme d’une trentaine d’années aux cheveux mi-longs lui jette alors un cendrier avant de la suivre et de la gifler violemment.

Steve Jobs’ daughter Lisa tells of her strained relationship with her father in her new memoir

Her memoir gives unprecedented detail about the troubled relationship with her father which was featured in the 2015 biopic about him with Michael Fassbender in the lead role.  She says that for her father, her very existence was a disappointment and a source of shame. Steve Jobs, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2011, had denied being Lisa’s father and claimed he was ‘sterile and infertile’

France. L’affaire Benalla, Macron et la manifestation parisienne du 1er Mai 2018 marqué par des violences

Le 1er mai, lors d’affrontements entre des manifestants et les forces de l’ordre, un homme est filmé en train de molester un homme et une femme. Un mois et demi plus tard, le 18 juillet, son identité est révélée : il s’appelle Alexandre Benalla.

Pakistan- Imran Khan as new leader

Imran Khan, the cricket star and A-list celebrity whose political party won this past week’s elections, could use his fame and charisma to reset Pakistan’s troubled relations with the West.

Oxford-educated and once married to a wealthy British woman, Mr. Khan is clearly comfortable in the highest circles of Western power brokers. He was close friends with Princess Diana. (Shortly before she died, Mr. Khan has said, he was trying to help her find a new husband.). To become prime minister, he needs to win over independent candidates and smaller parties to build a coalition. Most analysts believe he will succeed, although it is not a sure thing.

Malaysia. Ayu, an 11-year-old girl’s married to a 41-year-old man 

“I love her,” Mr. Che Abdul Karim said by phone, stressing he would not “touch” his new wife until she was 16 years old. For her part, Ayu said in a text message that she loved her husband, who has six children with his two other wives. She used a heart emoticon to describe him. The marriage has reignited debate in this modern multiethnic democracy about the persistence of an age-old Islamic practice.

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Palestine. Ahed Tamimi, Palestinian Teenager Who Slapped Israeli Soldier, came out of  prison 

Ms. Tamimi was arrested in December days after she was seen on video kicking, hitting, punching and shoving a heavily armed Israeli soldier at the entrance to her family home in the village of Nabi Saleh. She was 16 at the time. Her mother, Nariman, who relayed the event live on Facebook, was also arrested, as was a cousin who joined in. The episode occurred shortly after a 15-year-old cousin of Ms. Tamimi was shot in the head by a rubber bullet fired by Israeli forces. He was gravely injured but survived.