Rassegna Stampa. Francia, pensioni reversibilità a rischio, e Macron sui migranti…

Rassegna stampa. Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo

France.Les pensions de réversion sont menacées

La suppression des pensions de réversion, qui permet aux veufs et veuves de toucher une partie de la pension du conjoint décédé, alimente en effet toutes les inquiétudes depuis dimanche. La raison? La question de l’existence des 36 milliards d’euros de la réversion (soit 1,5 point de PIB) est clairement posée – elle a été inscrite noir sur blanc dans un document officiel envoyé aux partenaires sociaux – dans la concertation que mène le haut-commissaire à la réforme des retraites, Jean-Paul Delevoye.Interrogée ce dimanche lors du «Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI», la ministre des Solidarités en charge du dossier, Agnès Buzyn, a reconnu que «tout est sur la table».Le sujet est inflammable, car la réversion concerne directement 4,4 millions de bénéficiaires (à 87 % des femmes), dont 1 million qui n’a pas de retraite en propre.

France. Migrants: Macron contre la vague populiste qui menace l’ Europe

Dans un discours prononcé à Quimper, le chef de l’État, dont l’inaction sur le dossier de l’Aquarius a fait polémique, a invité ses détracteurs à «regarder ce qu’il se passe ailleurs» en Europe, dans des pays où «le nationalisme renaît».Emmanuel Macron a conclu sa tirade pro-européenne en invitant ses détracteurs à «regarder (ce qu’il se passe) ailleurs».

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USA. After pressure from Melania Trump signs order to end family separations in U-turn on policy

President Donald Trump this afternoon signed an executive order ending family separation at the border. President Trump indicated that lobbying from his daughter Ivanka, who showed him pictures of the caged and kenneled children, and wife Melania had caused him to have a change in position. ‘Ivanka feels very strongly about it. My wife feels very strongly about it. I feel very strongly about it. I think anybody with a heart would feel very strongly about it,’ he said. ‘Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border,’ she said. ‘Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values; the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families.’

A New Zealand man who took pictures of bikini-clad teenage girls has his indecent act verdict overturned by the Supreme Court

In January 2016, an off-duty police officer found Rowe taking photographs of three teenagers in their swimwear at Kaiteriteri beach near Nelson in the South Islands.Initially, the 61-year-old was convicted for an indecent act with an intent to insult, but all five Supreme Court justices ruled that taking the photos was not illegal. The Supreme Court ruled that there was insufficient evidence to warrant a retrial as it found there was no evidence that Rowe had the intent to distribute the images. The Court also found it will not be plausible to prove the 61-year-old had the motive to insult or offend the girls. The defendant’s lawyer Steven Zindel argued taking photographs of the girls in a public place could not be considered as a criminal act.’Technology like iPhones means you could be snapped by anybody… if they don’t want to be snapped they should not wear that on the beach,’ he said.

Is this Tiny studio flat the cheapest home for sale in London?

The 118 sq ft studio has a relatively cheap price tag of £160,000, but needs some updating.The studio flat is part of an attractive Edwardian property in the expensive area of North West London. It has good access to public transport, being just half a mile from West Hampstead underground station.However, experts warned that it will be tough to find a bank or building society that will be prepared to offer a mortgage on it.

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