Rassegna Stampa. Irlanda: aborto no, nozze gay sì. Alle Hawaii la dea del vulcano…

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Ireland, referendum over abortion, many people are strongly against it

The Catholic Church opposes abortion, and some Mass-goers here said priests had told their congregations that they would not be able to receive Communion if they voted yes in the referendum. Advocates of abortion rights cite several reasons for why attitudes have not changed: a history of female oppression; the church’s continuing grip over sexual education; and very private experiences around miscarriages, fetal deformities, adoption difficulties and spousal disagreements over whether to keep a baby.

Hawaii, in Kilauea’s shadow

” The Kilauea volcano has already laid waste to dozens of homes this month, triggering earthquakes, releasing lethal gases and setting forests ablaze, and on Monday it showed few signs of subsiding. “Our deity is coming down to play,” said Lokelani Puha, 52, a hula dancer and poet who evacuated as the lava encroached, referring to Hawaii’s goddess of volcanoes and fire. “There’s nothing to do when Pele makes up her mind but accept her will.”

Italy, Mr. Di Maio called Mr. Conte “a self-made man”

Over the weekend, Mr. Conte changed the profile picture of his WhatsApp account to a picture of John F. Kennedy with the words, “every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” His friends said he was a breath of fresh air. “He has all the credentials,” said Carla Lucente, a professor of modern languages and literature at Duquesne University and the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Pittsburgh. She knows Mr. Conte through their work together at the Villa Nazareth, a college in Rome associated with Duquesne University that has deep ties to the Vatican, including past and present power brokers like Cardinal Achille Silvestrini and Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli. “They know each other very well,” said Ms. Lucente of the prelates and Mr. Conte.

Russia. Laundered money through London

Britain’s financial and legal firms have been big beneficiaries of Russian capital flight, and London, less than four hours flying time from Moscow, is a popular destination for the country’s oligarchs, some of whom have invested in luxury property, soccer teams and other assets. “Despite the strong rhetoric, President Putin and his allies have been able to continue ‘business as usual’ by hiding and laundering their corrupt assets in London,” said the report, which entitled one section of its findings “closing the ‘laundromat.’ Business continues as usual for wealthy Russians who hide and launder corrupt assets through London, a parliamentary committee said Monday in a scathing assessment that warned of “inaction or lethargy” over dirty money from Moscow. The report, from the influential House of Commons foreign affairs committee, said there was no excuse for Britain “to turn a blind eye” while associates and allies of the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, “use money laundered through London to corrupt our friends, weaken our alliances and erode faith in our institutions.”

Facebook: Zuckerberg a présenté ses excuses devant les députés européens

Mark Zuckerberg, a reconnu, mardi 22 mai, que le réseau social n’avait pas fait tout ce qu’il fallait pour empêcher les abus. Le patron de Facebook s’est ensuite dit prêt à réaliser d’importants investissements pour protéger les données des utilisateurs de Facebook, des améliorations qui devraient avoir un impact significatif sur sa rentabilité. Des propos qui ressemblent fortement à ceux tenus devant le Congrès américain en avril. Entendu en avril par le Congrès américain, Zuckerberg avait présenté ses excuses mais n’avait pas dissipé toutes les interrogations sur la politique de protection des données de son entreprise. Depuis le scandale Cambrige Analytica, Facebook a suspendu 200 applications sur ses plates-formes dans le cadre d’un examen des applications tierces qui ont accès à de grandes quantités de données d’utilisateurs.

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