Rassegna Stampa. In Portogallo si parla di futuro del mondo, in Cina a 30 anni sei vecchio per il Tech


Rassegna Stampa. In Portogallo si parla di futuro del mondo, in Cina a 30 anni sei vecchio per il Tech
Rassegna Stampa. In Portogallo si parla di futuro del mondo, in Cina a 30 anni sei vecchio per il Tech

Rassegna Stampa.  Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo

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Portogallo. A Cascais si parla di futuro del mondo mentre a Roma…

Riunioni plenarie, tavole rotonde specialistiche, fino a 5 contemporaneamente. Non ho sentito nominare l’Italia mai, nelle pubbliche riunioni, se non da me stesso. A tu per tu, ti interrogano preoccupati. Cosa succede in Italia con i populisti? E Berlusconi è ancora lì? Un finanziere di private equity ricorda in modo positivo solo un italiano, Giovanni Agnelli, l’avvocato. Ha visto il documentario su Netflix e è rimasto colpito dalla grandeur principesca dell’uomo che traghettò la Fiat negli anni più bui della storia d’Italia e fu determinante nella svolta del 1980 che salvò l’Italia dal baratro.

The 2018 Horasis Global Meeting in Cascais

Launched in 2016, the annual Horasis Global Meeting is one of the world’s foremost gatherings of business leaders who interact with key government officials and eminent thought leaders. The meetings are held to advance solutions to the most critical challenges facing corporations today.

Frank-Jürgen Richter em Cascais

Portugal fez uma “recuperação surpreendente” da economia. A frase é de Frank-Jürgen Richter, diretor das Conferências Horasis, que começam hoje no Estoril e que já se tornaram um marco anual na agenda política e económica. Portugal precisa de “vender-se” através da diferenciação, dos recursos humanos cada vez mais fortemente qualificados, dos cérebros altamente digitais que já vai tendo.

Thirty years old? In China Tech is too old

People over 30 are too slow, too inflexible and too busy having babies. Millennials born in the 1980s are now considered too hold to hack it in China’s competitive tech scene.

Moscow, Putin’s 4th  term: coronation or inauguration?

Vladimir Putin was sworn in for his fourth term as president in a ceremony staged in a gilded Kremlin hall once used to crown czars. In a short speech, Mr. Putin suggested his focus had now turned to domestic matters and improving Russia’s economy for the “well-being of every family,” though there were no words of reconciliation in the country’s tense relations with the West.  “Now we will use all the possibilities we have first of all for the resolution of internal, and most essential, tasks of development,” he said. “A new quality of life, well-being, security and health for the people, that is what is important today.”

Can the president fire an executive branch official and pick a person to fill that position in an “acting” role?

The Department of Veterans Affairs has been without a permanent secretary for more than a month, and Trump has yet to pick a new nominee after Dr. Ronny L. Jackson withdrew his nomination amid a brewing scandal about his prescribing habits and conduct as head of the White House medical unit. Can presidents fire officials and pick their acting replacements? A lawsuit wants the courts to decide.

Robocallers now follow people wherever they go

Robocallers now follow people wherever they go, disrupting business meetings, church services and bedtime stories with their children. Those pesky robocalls — at best annoying disturbances and at worst costly financial scams — are getting worse. Though automated calls have long plagued consumers, the volume has skyrocketed in recent years, reaching an estimated 3.4 billion in April, according to YouMail, which collects and analyzes calls through its robocall blocking service. That’s an increase of almost 900 million a month compared with a year ago.


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