Rassegna stampa. Le recensioni su Amazon sono tutte vere? E la sigaretta elettronica Juul negli USA…


Rassegna stampa. Le recensioni su Amazon sono tutte vere? E la sigaretta elettronica Juul negli USA…
Rassegna stampa. Le recensioni su Amazon sono tutte vere? E la sigaretta elettronica Juul negli USA…)

Rassegna stampa: Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo

Amazon, Facebook, fake reviews

Amazon says that more than 99 percent of its reviews are legitimate. But a Washington Post examination found that for some popular product categories, such as bluetooth headphones and speakers, the vast majority of reviews appear to violate Amazon’s prohibition on paid reviews. Many of these fraudulent reviews originate on Facebook.


The Food and Drug Administration against illegal sales of Juul e-cigarette popular in schools

Like other e-cigarettes, Juul is an electronic device that turns liquid — usually containing nicotine — into an inhalable vapor. Thanks in part to its resemblance to a small computer flash drive, Juul has become popular with some teenagers as a discreet way to vape at school and in public. Parents, teachers and principals say they are struggling to control the booming trend. Health advocates have worried about the popularity of vaping products among kids and the potential impact on adult smoking rates in the future.

Amazon delivers to your car

Last year, Amazon introduced a system for letting people delivering packages into customers’ homes. Now, it’s their cars. General Motors says more than 7 million owners of Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac vehicles are eligible for Amazon’s new Amazon Key In-car delivery service. Deliveries via the Amazon Key In-Car service are available to Prime members with 2015 year or newer Chevrolet, Buick, GMC or Cadillac vehicles with GM’s OnStar connected-car service, and those with a 2015 or newer Volvo vehicle with an active Volvo On Call account. “This mix of car and commerce is starting the next wave of innovation and we intend to be at the forefront.” said Atif Rafiq, chief digital officer at Volv

o Cars.

Chicago hospitals ranked in safety report

The report, produced by The Leapfrog Group twice a year, grades hospitals on 27 measures of safety, including hand hygiene, intensive care unit physician staffing, bedsores and falls. States are then ranked based on the percentage of their hospitals that earned A’s. Hospitals that earn high marks often use them to tout their services and attract patients.

Donald Trump et Emmanuel Macron: la conférence de presse commune

Cette conférence de presse était attendue. Déjà, parce qu’elle a commencé avec plus d’une demi-heure de retard. Surtout, parce qu’il s’agissait de voir si le président américain, Donald Trump, et le président français, Emmanuel Macron, avaient réussi à trouver un terrain d’entente sur les principaux dossiers diplomatiques particulièrement tendus du moment.

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Tutte le notizie di Ladyblitz in questa App per Android. Scaricatela qui

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