Rassegna Stampa. La Regina Elisabetta discendente da Maometto?

Regina Elisabetta discendente da Maometto?
Rassegna Stampa. La Regina Elisabetta discendente da Maometto?

Rassegna stampa: Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo.

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Spectator: Cambridge too far

Social media meddling didn’t cause Brexit and Trump, says Brendan O’Neill

Economist:  The Queen and the Prophet

The Muslim world is abuzz with the news that Queen Elizabeth II may be descended from the Prophet Muhammad. The claim is old, but gaining renewed interest. Much hinges on a Muslim princess called Zaida, supposedly the daughter of a caliph related to the Prophet. She bore the King of Castile a son, one of whose descendants later married the Earl of Cambridge, an ancestor of the Queen. Reactions to the news have been varied

Economist: Berlusconi takes centre stage againDeadlock in ItalyItaly struggles to form a government. Silvio Berlusconi is a stumbling-block

Despite advancing age and a criminal record Silvio Berlusconi may again be central to his country’s future. Italy’s election produced a hung parliament and the main parties are trying to form a coalition. The leaders of two potential coalition partners—the maverick Five Star Movement and the right-wing Northern League—disagree on whether to include Mr Berlusconi. Infighting also plagues the left. The result may depend on who splits first

Economist: If Facebook will not fix itself, will Congress?

The two-day grilling of Mark Zuckerberg by Congress, which began yesterday, comes after revelations that nearly 90m Facebook users’ data were shared with third parties without their knowledge. Mr Zuckerberg’s performance was rehearsed and smooth, if a little robotic, and Facebook’s share price closed nearly 5% higher yesterday. But the scandal has exposed deeper problems, and Facebook’s boss was left with plenty to think about

Le Monde: Facebook : face au Congrès américain, la stratégie des excuses ne suffit plus

Après avoir affronté les sénateurs, Mark Zuckerberg s’est présenté mercredi devant les élus de la Chambre des représentants. Un exercice plus ardu, avec des interlocuteurs plus tenaces.

Le Monde: Syrie : le secrétaire général de l’ONU s’inquiète d’une « situation hors contrôle »

Antonio Guterres déplore « l’impasse actuelle », alors que les tensions se sont encore exacerbées entre la Russie et les Etats-Unis.

Le Monde:Emmanuel Macron sur TF1 pour convaincre retraités, provinciaux et classes populaires

Alors que les oppositions se multiplient, le président de la République répondra à 13 heures aux questions de M. Pernaut, en direct depuis une école de l’Orne.

Financial Times: Citi limita le vendite di armi ai clienti corporate
Financial Times: Trump non può cambiare la Cina senza aiuto
Financial Times: I sostenitori della Brexit non vedono l’ora di lottare per la questione della pesca all’interno della fase di transizione

Economist: La lotta per la Russia
Economist: La battaglia per l’area metropolitana di Buenos Aires … 5
Wall Street Journal: La guerra fiscale dell’Europa

Financial Times:  Solomon emerge come il favorito per guidare Goldman dopo l’uscita di scena del rivale

Financial Times: I prezzi elevati delle abitazioni sono il segnale del pericolo di una imminente resa dei conti

Financial Times: Il prestito tra privati viene reclamizzato come il futuro ma le grane non sono senza una ragione

Financial Times: Pechino costringe le aziende a vendere le partecipazioni nelle banche finanziate col debito

New York Times: Con la mafia messa a tacere, una grande casa dell’opera torna a cantare

Financial Times: Per riconquistare la fiducia i banchieri hanno bisogno di standard più elevati

Wall Street Journal: Le consegne con i droni sono pronte per il decollo
Wall Street Journal: La riduzione del prezzo di un farmaco anticolosterolo dovrebbe influenzare gli assicuratori12/03/18 Wall Street Journal: Gli elettori italiani decidono di dare un’opportunità al populismo

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